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Which Country Was the the Center of Western Art as the 20th Centry Began

  • Introduction
    • Upper Paleolithic
    • Mesolithic
    • Neolithic
    • Early Bronze Age (3000–2000 bc)
      • Early on Minoan
      • Early on Cycladic
      • Early Helladic
    • Center Statuary Age (2000–1600 bc)
      • Middle Minoan
      • Middle Cycladic and Middle Helladic
    • Late Statuary Age (1600–1100 bc)
      • Wall paintings
      • Vase paintings
        • Belatedly Minoan
        • Tardily Mycenaean
        • Late Cypriot
    • Night Ages (1200–900 bc)
    • Geometric flow (c. 900–700 bc)
    • Orientalizing period (c. 700–625 bc)
    • Archaic menstruum (c. 625–500 bc)
    • Classical period (c. 500–323 bc)
      • Early Classical (c. 500–450 bc)
      • High Classical (c. 450–400 bc)
      • Late Classical (c. 400–323 bc)
    • Hellenistic period (c. 323–1st Century bc)
    • Etruscan
    • Roman
      • Etruscan and Hellenistic Greek influences
      • Pagan Roman paintings
      • Early Christian
      • Book analogy in antiquity
    • Early Byzantine Period (330–717)
      • Icons
      • Illuminated manuscripts
    • Iconoclastic Historic period (717–843)
    • Middle Byzantine menstruum (843–1204)
      • Icons
      • Wall painting
      • Illuminated manuscripts
    • Tardily Byzantine period (1204–1453)
      • Icons
      • Wall painting
      • Illuminated manuscripts
    • Post-Byzantine Russia
    • Regional variations in Eastern Christian painting
      • Georgia
      • Armenia
      • Coptic Arab republic of egypt
    • Dark Ages
      • Rome and Italian republic, c. 600–850
      • England and Republic of ireland, c. 650–850
      • Merovingian Gaul
    • Early Middle Ages
      • Carolingian Empire
      • The tenth century
      • Late Anglo-Saxon England
      • French republic
      • Ottonian Germany
    • Romanesque
      • Italian republic
      • French republic
      • England
      • Spain
      • The Meuse Valley
      • Germany and Austria
    • Late 12th century
    • Gothic
      • Early Gothic
      • Loftier Gothic
      • Italian Gothic
      • International Gothic
      • Late Gothic
    • Early Renaissance in Italy
      • Masaccio
      • Florentine painters of the mid-15th century
      • Belatedly 15th-century Florentine painters
      • Diffusion of the innovations of the Florentine school
      • Leonardo da Vinci
    • Loftier Renaissance in Italy
      • Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo
      • The High Renaissance in Venice
    • Italian Mannerism and Late Renaissance
      • The hallmarks of Mannerism
      • Mannerist painters in Florence and Rome
    • Renaissance outside Italy
      • French republic
      • Spain
      • Germany
      • Low Countries
      • Bohemia
    • Early and High Baroque in Italian republic
    • Late Bizarre and Rococo
      • Spain and Portugal
      • Depression Countries
        • The Spanish Netherlands
        • The United Provinces
      • France
      • Uk
        • The 17th century
        • The 18th century
      • Colonial Americas
        • Due north America
        • Primal and South America
      • Fundamental Europe
      • Poland
      • Russian federation
      • Scandinavia
    • Neoclassicism
      • Great britain
      • French republic
      • Germany and Austria
      • Italy
      • Other countries
    • Romanticism
      • Britain
      • Germany
      • France
      • United States
      • Russia
    • Origins in the 19th century
      • Impressionism
      • Symbolism
      • The terminate of the 19th-century tradition
    • The 20th century
      • Cubism and its consequences
      • Fantasy and the irrational
    • After 1945
    • Modernism and postmodernism defined
    • Painting in Europe and the United States: 1945–70
      • Abstraction
      • Figuration
    • Duchamp'due south legacy and the questioning of the fine art object: 1950–70
      • American Neo-Dada: Muzzle, Rauschenberg, and Johns
      • Art and consumerism: French and Italian fine art in the 1950s
      • Popular art in Britain and the United States: the 1960s
    • The fortunes of sculpture: 1950s–2000
      • Minimalism
      • "Anti-Form" and post-Minimalist sculpture in the United States and Britain: 1967–2000
      • Germany and Italy: Joseph Beuys and Arte Povera
    • The dematerialization of fine art: the 1960s and '70s
      • Institutional critique, feminism, and conceptual art: 1968 and its aftermath
      • Country fine art
      • Body and performance art
    • Fine art and postmodernism: the 1980s and '90s
      • The "render to painting"
      • Politics, commerce, and abjection in 1980s art
