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React Native How to Upload to Device

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Cloud Storage

Installation and getting started with Storage.


This module requires that the @react-native-firebase/app module is already setup and installed. To install the "app" module, view the Getting Started documentation.

                              # Install & setup the app module                yarn                add                @react-native-firebase/app                # Install the storage module                yarn                add                @react-native-firebase/storage                # If you're developing your app using iOS, run this command                cd                ios/                &&                pod                install                          

If you're using an older version of React Native without autolinking support, or wish to integrate into an existing project, you can follow the manual installation steps for iOS and Android.

What does it do

Storage is built for app developers who demand to store and serve user-generated content, such every bit photos or videos.

Your data is stored in a Google Deject Storage bucket, an exabyte scale object storage solution with high availability and global redundancy. Storage lets yous deeply upload these files directly from mobile devices, handling spotty networks with ease.


Your files are stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The files in this bucket are presented in a hierarchical structure, merely similar a file system. By creating a reference to a file, your app gains access to information technology. These references tin then be used to upload or download data, become or update metadata or delete the file. A reference can either point to a specific file or to a higher level node in the hierarchy.

The Storage module too provides support for multiple buckets.

You lot tin can view your buckets on the Firebase Panel.

Creating a reference

A reference is a local pointer to some file on your saucepan. This tin can either be a file which already exists, or one which does not exist all the same. To create a reference, use the ref method:

                              import                storage                from                '@react-native-firebase/storage'                ;                const                reference                =                storage                (                )                .                ref                (                'black-t-shirt-sm.png'                )                ;                          

You can also specify a file located in a deeply nested directory:

                              const                reference                =                storage                (                )                .                ref                (                '/images/t-shirts/black-t-shirt-sm.png'                )                ;                          

Upload a file

To upload a file directly from the users device, the putFile method on a reference accepts a string path to the file on the users device. For case, you lot may be creating an app which uploads users photos. The React Native Firebase library provides Utils to help identify device directories:

                              import                React                ,                {                useEffect                }                from                'react'                ;                import                {                View                ,                Button                }                from                'react-native'                ;                import                {                utils                }                from                '@react-native-firebase/app'                ;                import                storage                from                '@react-native-firebase/storage'                ;                function                                  App                                (                )                {                // create saucepan storage reference to not yet existing image                const                reference                =                storage                (                )                .                ref                (                'black-t-shirt-sm.png'                )                ;                return                (                                                      <                    View                                    >                                                                                                      <                    Button                                    onPress                                      =                    {                    async                    (                    )                    =>                    {                    // path to existing file on filesystem                    const                    pathToFile                    =                                          `                                              ${utils.                                                  FilePath                                                .                        PICTURES_DIRECTORY                        }                                            /black-t-shirt-sm.png                      `                                        ;                    // uploads file                    expect                    reference.                    putFile                    (pathToFile)                    ;                    }                    }                                    />                                                                                                      </                    View                                    >                                )                ;                }                          


The putFile method returns a Task, which if required, allows you lot to hook into information such every bit the current upload progress:

                              const                task                =                reference.                putFile                (pathToFile)                ;                job.                on                (                'state_changed'                ,                taskSnapshot                =>                {                panel                .                log                (                                  `                                      ${taskSnapshot.                    bytesTransferred                    }                                                        transferred out of                                                        ${taskSnapshot.                    totalBytes                    }                                    `                                )                ;                }                )                ;                job.                then                (                (                )                =>                {                console                .                log                (                'Image uploaded to the bucket!'                )                ;                }                )                ;                          

A task also provides the ability to break & resume on-going operations:

                              const                task                =                reference.                putFile                (pathToFile)                ;                task.                pause                (                )                ;                // Former later...                task.                resume                (                )                ;                          

Download URLs

A mutual use-instance for Cloud Storage is to use information technology as a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your images. When uploading files to a saucepan, they are not automatically bachelor for consumption via a HTTP URL. To generate a new Download URL, you need to call the getDownloadURL method on a reference:

                              import                storage                from                '@react-native-firebase/storage'                ;                const                url                =                look                storage                (                )                .                ref                (                'images/profile-1.png'                )                .                getDownloadURL                (                )                ;                          

Images uploaded manually via the Firebase Console automatically generate a download URL.

Listing files & directories

If yous wish to view a full list of the electric current files & directories inside a particular bucket reference, you lot can use the listing method. The results are however paginated, and if more than results are available you tin can pass a page token into the asking:

                              import                storage                from                '@react-native-firebase/storage'                ;                role                listFilesAndDirectories                (                reference,                  pageToken                )                {                return                reference.                list                (                {                pageToken                }                )                .                then                (                consequence                =>                {                // Loop over each detail                result.                items                .                forEach                (                ref                =>                {                console                .                log                (ref.                fullPath                )                ;                }                )                ;                if                (result.                nextPageToken                )                {                return                listFilesAndDirectories                (reference,                result.                nextPageToken                )                ;                }                return                Promise                .                resolve                (                )                ;                }                )                ;                }                const                reference                =                storage                (                )                .                ref                (                'images'                )                ;                listFilesAndDirectories                (reference)                .                then                (                (                )                =>                {                console                .                log                (                'Finished listing'                )                ;                }                )                ;                          


By default your bucket will come with rules which allows merely authenticated users on your project to access information technology. You can however fully customize the security rules to your own applications requirements.

To learn more, view the Storage Security documentation on the Firebase website.

Multiple Buckets

A single Firebase projection can have multiple storage buckets. The module volition apply the default saucepan if no bucket statement is passed to the storage instance. To switch buckets, provide the module with the gs:// bucket URL constitute on the Firebase Console, under Storage > Files.

                              import                storage,                {                firebase                }                from                '@react-native-firebase/storage'                ;                const                defaultStorageBucket                =                storage                (                )                ;                const                secondaryStorageBucket                =                firebase.                app                (                )                .                storage                (                'gs://'                )                ;                  
